One league. Two teams. Endless community.
Established in 2014, Hartford Area Roller Derby is a full contact, flat track roller derby league located in Central Connecticut. We are a diverse, all-inclusive group of people who have allowed the sport of roller derby to inspire and capture our hearts. We are parents, young adults, teachers, nurses, and artists all coming together to take part in our community as players, refs, and volunteers. We are member-owned and operated, and honor the “by the skaters, for the skaters.” philosophy.
Our Teams
HARD is home to the WFTDA-chartered Hartford Wailers and the recreational Hartford Banshees. Together, they comprise over 30 skaters.
Our Referees and Non-Skating Officials
Without them, we’d just be skating in circles! HARD is grateful to have an array of members on Team Zebra who officiate our games and scrimmages. Interested in reffing or volunteering as a Non-Skating Official? Contact us! hardheadref@gmail.com
Our Volunteers
Announcers. Medical Staff. Photographers. Coaches. Merch Table Gurus. At HARD it’s all hands on deck, and when it comes to volunteers, you name it and we got it! When you volunteer with HARD, you become an essential member of our league. Interested in volunteering? Contact us! Email Hardleagueinfo@gmail.com